Certificat Professionnel Digital Marketing & E-commerce Google

Certificat Professionnel Digital Marketing & E-commerce Google

Get on the fast track to a career in digital marketing. In this certificate program, you'll learn in-demand skills at your own pace, no degree or experience required.

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and e-commerce to gain the skills needed to land an entry-level job
  • Attract and engage customers through digital marketing channels like search and email
  • Measure marketing performance through analytics and present insights
  • Build e-commerce stores, analyze online performance, and grow customer loyalty

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • E-Commerce
  • Email Marketing
  • display advertising
  • Marketing

70 800 CFA
70800.0 XOF 70 800 CFA
60 000 CFA
Responsable Babacar LO
Dernière mise à jour 17/06/2024
Temps d'achèvement 1 semaine 4 heures
Membres 41
Chef de produit Digital Coursera Google Management / Business Digital marketer Basique
  • COURS 1 • Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce
    1Leçons · 18 h
    • COURS 1 • Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce
  • COURS 2 • Attract and Engage Customers with Digital Marketing
    1Leçons · 21 h
    • COURS 2 • Attract and Engage Customers with Digital Marketing
  • COURS 3 • From Likes to Leads: Interact with Customers Online
    1Leçons · 1 j 4 h
    • COURS 3 • From Likes to Leads: Interact with Customers Online
  • COURS 4 • Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing
    1Leçons · 1 j 1 h
    • COURS 4 • Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing
  • COURS 5 • Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement
    1Leçons · 1 j 2 h
    • Ce que vous apprendrez Define media planning and strategies Describe what defines a successful marketing campaign Evaluate metrics against performance goals and make adjustments to a marketing budget or strategy Create presentations and reports to update stakeholders on the progress or success of a marketing campaign and important insights Compétences que vous acquerrez Catégorie : E-Commerce E-Commerce Catégorie : Customer loyalty Customer loyalty Catégorie : Customer Outreach Customer Outreach Catégorie : Marketing Marketing Catégorie : Marketing Analytics Marketing Analytics
  • COURS 6 •Make the Sale: Build, Launch, and Manage E-commerce Stores
    1Leçons · 23 h
    • COURS 6 •Make the Sale: Build, Launch, and Manage E-commerce Stores
  • COURS 7 • Satisfaction Guaranteed: Develop Customer Loyalty Online
    1Leçons · 1 j 7 h
    • COURS 7 • Satisfaction Guaranteed: Develop Customer Loyalty Online